Last change 04/2016 E-P – AL/TW/PW | Subject to technical modifications
Special risk
- Chlorine dioxide spills should not be removed with tissues!
There is a self-ignition risk with dry tissue and chemical residue!
- Overpressure can be applied to the plant components!
Risk of injury and material damage from flowing water and sudden pressure
release of components! All pressure pipes must be inspected at regular
- The use of chemicals with an excessive concentration or mistaking of chemical
tubs or intake lancets can result in an explosion risk
– Check safety data sheets,
the unit is also colour coded to help with identification of chemical location!
- Contact with chlorine dioxide, sodium chloride solution or hydrochloric acid
may cause a chemical burn!
Affected skin and clothing must immediately and carefully be washed with
- Risk of chemical irritancy of eyes, respiratory organs and skin by breathing in
chlorine dioxide, sodium chloride solution and hydrochloric acid!
Protective clothing (as per accident prevention rules) must be worn whilst the
chemical tubs are replaced!
- You should not carry out safety-technical or functional modification!
Consequence may cause material damage or injury to persons!
- It is forbidden to smoke and/or handle with open fire in rooms where
sodium chloride and familiar solutions are operated with and/or stored!
Safety and control equipment of plant
- All plant components suited to produce chlorine dioxide are housed in a common
lockable housing.
- The reactor tank is situated in a separate reactor enclosure inside the unit.
- An individual chemical bund is provided for the sodium chloride solution and the
hydrochloric acid.
- The chemical dosing pumps are each equipped with pressure holding valve.
- The chlorine dioxide content is controlled continually and is evaluated and monitored
by the control unit.
- The chlorine dioxide feed in the ring water line of the plant is secured by non-return
valves to prevent backflow.
- A static mixer installed in the ring water line (outlet side) ensures mixing of the water
with the chlorine dioxide.
- The plant can be actuated by an external contact water meter (For safety reasons it
must be a ratio of K:1 or K:10).
- The control system will show an alarm if the high level chemical limit is reached.