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BeWa CTM-EF3x3x 4436386 en-us lq
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1.6 Supplementary symbols
You will find the following symbols in the manual as additional details:
Tip for handling the product
Required tools
1.7 Exclusion of liability/warranty
For the warranty provided by us, please refer to the Terms of Delivery. They are
made available to you at the conclusion of the contract at the latest. You will
also find these under
This manual was prepared to the best of our knowledge. Nevertheless and de-
spite the greatest care, it cannot be excluded that mistakes could have crept in.
Therefore, please understand that, in the absence of any provisions to the con-
trary hereinafter, our warranty and liability – for any legal reasons whatsoever –
are excluded in respect of the information in this manual. In particular, we shall
not be liable for lost profit or other financial loss.
This exclusion of liability does not apply in cases of intent and gross negligence.
Moreover, it does not apply to defects which have been deceitfully concealed or
whose absence has been guaranteed, nor in cases of culpable harm to life,
physical injury and damage to health. If we negligently breach any material con-
tractual obligation, our liability shall be limited to foreseeable damage. Claims
due to the Product Liability shall remain unaffected.
1.8 Notes on copyright
All copyrights for this manual lies with the manufacturer. No part of this manual
may be reproduced in any form or processed, duplicated or distributed using
electronic systems without the written consent of the manufacturer. Any in-
fringements of the above shall be liable to damage compensation.
1.9 Validity of this manual
The diagrams and visualizations in this manual are meant for general illustration
purposes. Therefore, representations and functional options can deviate from
the delivered product.
We reserve the right to changes to the contents of this manual without prior no-