BeWa CTM-EF3x3x 4436386 en-us lq
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8434-1 and DIN 2353 standardized com-
ponents for hydraulic connection tech-
nology, create seals for hydraulic pipes
and screwed connections based on their
geometrical shape in a simple, reliable
and safe way.
DM water
DM water = completely demineralized
water Water always tries to saturate it-
self with minerals. That is why we never
find absolutely pure water in nature.
When one removes all the dissolved
substances from water, then one gets
pure H2O or what is called DM water.
Distilled water is still the most common
term used as completely demineralized
water was produced through distillation,
in the past. As this process is very ex-
pensive, reverse osmosis and ion ex-
changers are generally used to produce
DM water. The designations DI water,
deionate, deionized water, or demineral-
ized water always describe the quality of
DM water. This kind of water is also de-
scribed in VDE 0510, DIN 13060 or DIN
EN 50272.
General Terms and Conditions
The General Terms and Conditions are
available at our home page www.hy-
dac.com -> General Terms and Condi-
ISO 16232
The ISO 16232 is the international coun-
terpart to the VDA 19 Directive. Both
standards are fully compatible with one
Negative control value
Contamination/particles that originate
from the environment, the extraction unit
or auxiliary devices and that can be
measured during the analysis.
Test fluid
Flushing fluid/analysis fluid for spray ex-
Test item
Component for testing/component clean-
liness analysis/contamination test
VDA 19 directive
The Industrieverbund Technische
Sauberkeit (TecSa) (industrial associa-
tion for technical cleanliness) prepared a
comprehensive set of regulations in the
period 2001 ... 2004. It lays down how
cleanliness checks on products of the
automobile industry must be carried out.
It defines: the extraction process, the
analysis process and the documentation
of the test results. The set of regulations
was given the name "VDA Volume 19