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BeWa CTM-EF3x3x 4436386 en-us lq
The product is switched off.
1. Switch the product on.
1.5.3 Representation of procedural instructions
In the case of procedural instructions, there are the two following representa-
Procedural instructions with a fixed sequence
Procedural instructions, whose sequence must be complied with without fail are
listed with sequential numbering (1., 2., 3., etc.).
An example for procedural instructions with a fixed sequence:
1. Remove the transport securing device.
2. First fill the product.
3. Switch the product on.
Procedural instructions with a random sequence
Procedural instructions that have a random sequence are listed as bullet points
An example of a procedural instruction with a random sequence:
– Clean the display.
– Rinse the product.
1.5.4 Representation of intermediate results/results
In the case of some activities, it is necessary to carry out work steps with inter-
mediate results and end results.
Intermediate results are the consequence of activities; they are marked with an
indented arrow.
End results represent the end of an activity and are represented with a flag.
An example for a procedural instruction with intermediate result and final result:
1. Switch the product on.
The display lights up.
2. Press the button.
The product is now ready for use.