Installation Instructions For Gate Reversing Sensing Edge
Installation Instructions For Gate Reversing Sensing Edge
Installation Instructions For Gate Reversing Sensing Edge
Installation Instructions For Gate Reversing Sensing Edge
Installation Instructions For Gate Reversing Sensing Edge
Securely bolt the edge sensor to the edge of the gate. The edge should line up with the lower corner of the
gate frame.
If the reversing edge is to wire directly to the gate operator:
A. Locate a mounting position for a curl cord attatchment, or retracting cord reel holder where there will be
no possibility of the cord rubbing on the moving gate panel.
Attatch the cord to the gate in a position that is roughly near the position of the automatic operator,
when the gate is closed.
C. Route the wires to the leading edge of the gate and join to the wires of the reversing edge. Wirenut and
thoroughly tape the connections so that they are not prone to vibrate loose.
D. Join the fixed end of the cord reel or curl cord directly to terminal numbers 1 and 6 inside the control
box of the operator.
If the reversing edge is to transmit to the gate operator:
A. Mount the reversing edge transmitter (Multi Elmac Model #3022, or equivalent) onto the gate panel
near the upper corner of the leading edge of the gate.
B. Join the wires of the reversing edge to the two terminals inside of the edge transmitter. Set a unique
code on the “DIP” switches inside the transmitter. Remount the cover of the transmitter and tighten the
screws firmly so that no water will leak inside.
If a receiver for the reversing edge has been prewired inside the operator, proceed directly to step #3D.
C. Mount a commercial style radio receiver* (one with a connector for an external antenna) on the inside
of our operator enclosure. Connect the 24 Volt supply wires to terminal numbers X1 and 10 on the
terminal strip. Connect the radio contact wires to terminal numbers 1 and 6 on the terminal strip.
D. Mount an external antenna onto the top of a fixed post of the fence near the operator. Connect the
antenna into the socket on the radio receiver.
E. Set the “DIP” switches in the receiver to match the same code used in the edge transmitter.
*If there is also to be a radio receiver for a hand held transmitter to operate the gate, be certain to use a two
channel commercial receiver.
Test the operation of the reversing edge to be certain that it is functioning. Advise the user of the gate to be
certain to retest this vital function weekly.
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