Pressure Relief Valves
Pressure Relief Valves
Pressure Relief Valves
Pressure Relief Valves
Pressure Relief Valves
Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
Adjustment Procedures
The relief valve can be found on the back side (gate side) of the hydraulic power unit. It is the only compo-
nent located here and has a hex adjusting head and lock nut. To adjust setting, loosen the lock nut screw the
threaded bolt CW for increased pressure, turn CCW to decrease pressure.
Pressure relief valves are preset at the factory to utilize maximum available horsepower. The relief valve can
be lowered to smooth starting if necessary. This is most easily done by decreasing the pressure until the gate
operation slows, and then increasing the pressure just enough to provide normal gate speed.
It must be understood that if you reduce the pressure setting, you will lose horsepower to move the gate if
additional resistance (old gate hardware, snow and ice, etc.) is encountered.
Do not attempt to use the relief valve as an entrapment protection device. A photo eye or a gate edge
is the best method to protect pedestrians and reserve power to drive the gate.
5/22/00 G40
Side View
Front View
Model Factory Setting
111 Series
750 psi
222 SS, E
1000 psi
222 EX
1300 psi
444 Series
1300 psi
HRG Series
1300 psi
HVG Series
2000 psi
HTG 360
1000 psi
HTG 320-6
1000 psi
HTG 320-3
1000 psi
HTG 320-2
700 psi