AIR COOLING indicator light (There is no this indicator on LGK-120HD)
“TORCH” key, when this light is on, means the air cooling torch can be used, the
maximum current will be limited under 120A;
WATRT COOLING indicator light (There is no this indicator on LGK-120HD)
“TORCH” key, when this light is on, means the water cooling torch can be used;
TORCH style selection key (Not on LGK-120HD)
to choose a suitable torch;
Cutting ground cable connection thread hole: To pass through the cutting ground
Cutting torch connection thread hole: To pass through the cutting torch cable;
Power switch: To control the ON/OFF of 3-phase power supply of cutter;
Control signal connector: To control automatic cutting equipment (there is starting
signal and arc striking success signal)
Pin 1 and 2 is pilot arc signal output, it’s a group of relay contact inside, after
striking the arc, the contact closed, can control the load with rated loading
capacity of 5A/250VAC or 5A/30VDC;
Pin 3 and 4 is starting signal, the starting mode please check No.4;
Intelligent communication connector of water cooling machine (Not on LGK-120HD):
only if work with a water cooling machine, connect with this connector;
Pin 3 and 4 is the starting signal output of the water cooling machine, it’s a
group of relay contact inside, when there is starting signal. the contact closed,
can control the load with rated loading capacity of 0.3A/125VAC or 1A/30VDC;
Pin 5 and 6 is the protecting signal input of the water cooling machine, the
cutter stop working as soon as get this signal from the water cooling machine;