Connector pin 1 and pin 2 is signal output of success arc striking, it is one group of
contact terminal of relay, and its rated load capability is 0.3A/125VAC or 1A/30VDC.
Connector pin 3 and pin 4 is start control wire of the cutter, its starting method is
controlled by operating selection switch. Usually 2-Step is selected, that is, it starts
under short connection, and stops after cutting off. The two wire is used in parallel
with torch control socket pin 1, pin 2 on the front panel.
The connection of water cooling machine intelligent communication interface
(There is no this interface on LGK-120HD, when LGK-200/300/400HD work with water
cooling, this interface will be used)
The socket model of the connector is : WS20J7TQ, and the function for each wire pin is
as following:
Connector pin 3 and pin 4 is start control wire of the cutter, it is one group of contact
terminal of relay, it’s on closing status when the torch switch is on, and it’s on
breaking status when the torch switch is off. Its rated load capability is 0.3A/125VAC
or 1A/30VDC
Connector pin 5 and pin 6 is protection signal that water cooling machine output to
plasma cutter, when short connect the pin 5 and 6, there will be no current and
voltage output from the plasma cutter.
Special note: To confirm the good cooling performance, and lengthen the
consumable life, you’d better choose the water cooling machine from HUAYUAN.
Panel and it’s function instruction
Note: The title number is corresponding to the number on the Pic 9, for example,
the “1
” is corresponding to “1”on Pic 9.
The gas pressure adjusting valve: to adjust the gas pressure, pull it out and contra
rotate to reduce the gas pressure, rotate it clockwise to increase the gas pressure;
Torch lock function indicator: Press “OPERATE” key, when this indicator is on, mean
it’s on “torch lock” status;
Torch unlock function indicator: Press “OPERATE” key, when this indicator is on,
mean it’s on “torch unlock” status;
”OPERATE” key: To choose the “torch unlock” and “torch lock” function. When it
turns on “torch lock”, the torch switch should be pressed in the process of cutting,
and the cutting stops after loosening the switch. When it turns on “torch unlock”,
press the torch switch and loosen it, the cutting starts to work, and the stops after
pressing the switch again;