Using the Blower and the Deflector controls
Note: The deflectors can be set in any position between open and closed.
Tip: The photo with the deflectors open is a ideal setting for blowing
heavy leaves and debris.
With a little time and experience, an operator can become proficient in setting
the deflectors at the optimum positions for the task.
Hint: From the operators position, the user can see the deflector gear
racks and judge the position of the deflectors.
These photos show the Deflectors in both the closed and open positions.
With the deflectors at about half open, like the front deflector in the above photo,
the air stream is directed downward under the debris and is useful for blowing
wet leaves, grass and dirt.
Remember: Air velocity can be controlled by the throttle control as
well as by the deflectors.
<Front Open
Remember: Air stream (deflectors) should be closed off when nessasary,
IE., when traveling from one area to another, past flower
and bark beds, Etc.