Flow Operations
Dial to Stations, Station Limits to review or change the
number of stations that are allowed to run at once.
It is not necessary to change Station Limits for Flow Manager
to operate, but it is possible. These settings can be used to
customize the results of flow management.
Maximum Simultaneous Stations sets a hard limit on the
number of stations the controller can run at once, regardless
of Flow Manager or other settings. The ACC2 Decoder
controller can run approximately 20 Hunter solenoids at once
on a single output module, including P/MV outputs. The
decoder controller can run up to 30 stations at once, provided
they are spread over multiple decoder output modules, with
not more than 20 active on each output module.
This may vary according to other factors, and there may
be other reasons to limit the total number of simultaneous
Enter a Controller number that meets your needs if the
default of eight is not desirable.
If Flow Manager is enabled, a maximum number of
simultaneous stations per program can also be entered. This
can be useful to force the controller to spread irrigation across
multiple programs, for example.
Example: Program 1 runs turf zones, and Program 2 runs
shrub zones. If they are both part of the same flow-managed
Flow Zone, and you know the Flow Zone can run about six
zones at once, you could set a limit of three on Program 1 and
three on Program 2. The controller will still flow manage to
your target flow, but could only run three in either program to
get there.
If the Flow Target rates are well below the rates that the
Controller and Program station limits would allow, the station
limits will never be reached. The controller will decide which
stations to run, and in what order.
A MainSafe is an optional level of flow monitoring and
protection above the Flow Zone level. It is especially useful
More than one Flow Zone has been configured from the
same water supply
When there is a long distance between the point of
connection and the beginning of the actual Flow Zone(s)
When separate mainlines are in a constantly charged state
for the sole purpose of manual watering
MainSafe zones generally require their own flow sensor,
and their own Master Valve. Often these are Normally Open
Master Valves, which only close in the event of an alarm.
To set up a MainSafe, dial to the Flow menu, and select