What’s on the Down Imaging® Display
Entries in this view that list (with Temp/Speed or GPS Receiver) are available if
the information from the GPS receiver will be displayed on the view.
What’s on the Down Imaging® Display
Down Imaging® uses unique sonar technology to provide information about the
produce the detailed sonar data that you see on the display. Down Imaging®
and bottom contour, including the following items:
- Water surface temperature.
- Water depth can be set to alarm when
the water becomes too shallow.
- If a GPS Receiver or Temp/Speed
accessory is connected, the Fishfinder can
display the speed of the boat and can keep a
Triplog of nautical or statute miles traveled.
Bottom Return
return to determine bottom hardness. Rock and
gravel provide a clearer sonar return than
mud and sand because hard objects reflect
sonar better than soft objects.