Operati ng Instructi on Manual
V 03/2018
7 Load distributi on / securing
To avoid accidents and prevent personal injury and
material damage, it is important to carefully check the
load distributi on and how well it is secured.
You should load and unload your trailer with extreme
care, taking into account all safety precauti ons required
on public roads and all accident preventi on regulati ons.
Term defi niti on for loads / weight:
Max. permissible total mass (gross weight GW)
Max. permitt ed mass = trailer net load capacity
on the type plate and in the “registrati on certi fi cate“
(RC Part I)
The total mass of the trailer may not exceed the following
1. Permitt ed trailer load for the towing vehicle
2. Permitt ed total mass of the towing vehicle
Mass of trailer (own mass)
The own weight of unloaded trailer.
Trailer load towing vehicle
The permitt ed trailer load is stated in the registrati on certi fi cate
Part 1.
Under no circumstance may the trailer load may not be exceeded
by the actual weight of a loaded trailer.
Load capacity
Max permitt ed load weight of the trailer in kg.
Load capacity = total mass - own mass trailer
Drawbar load (s)
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The load in the trailer that presses down
on the car coupling.
The maximum permitt ed drawbar load
is stated on a label and the type plate
on the trailer and can be found on the
registrati on certi fi cate Part I.
7.1 Load distributi on
Non-compliance with the drawbar load!
If the trailer is incorrectly loaded, then negati ve / inadequate
drawbar load, or exceeding the maximum permissible drawbar
load can cause accidents.
The trailer may start to skid, ti p over and be uncoupled from the
towing vehicle.
Distribute the load (weight) evenly on the cargo bed -
avoid single point loading.
Distribute the load in such a way that no negati ve draw
bar load is created and the maximum permissible drawbar
load is not exceeded.
Never exceed the maximum permissible drawbar load of
the car coupling.
Where possible, make use of the maximum permissible
drawbar load (see COC papers, Secti on 19).
Observe the informati on on the maximum permissible
drawbar load in the vehicle papers for the car coupling.
Do not exceed the maximum permissible drawbar load of
the trailer.
- Observe the informati on on the maximum permissible
drawbar load on the trailer plate and in the registrati on
certi fi cate Part I.
Poor / incorrect distributi on of the load!
Severely uneven / point load distributi on can lead to over-stress-
ing and damage to the trailer components.
Positi on the heaviest objects centrally on
the cargo bed and in the area of the axles.
Distribute the load evenly on the cargo bed according to
its weight.
Avoid single point / one-sided distributi on of the load.
Do not positi on the load on / over the drop sides - they
are not designed for bearing weight.
Distributi ng the load on the cargo bed
Correct load distributi on
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Load in axle area
Heaviest weight in the load positi oned above the axle in
the middle.
Additi onal load evenly distributed over the cargo bed.
Avoid single point / one-sided loading.
Max. permissible drawbar load adhered to.
Minimum drawbar load ensured.
Opti mal road holding (ground contact) att ained.
Braking eff ect is greatest.
Opti mal road handling (no snaking).
Risk of swerving lowest.
Before loading, check the maximum load capacity that
you are able to transport with your trailer.
Check that the maximum permissible total mass (gross
weight GW) of your trailer is not exceeded.
Positi oning the goods
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