V 03/2018
Operati ng Instructi on Manual
Carry out the following steps to drive with a trailer.
The towed trailer must always be approved and free of
Commission on solid, stable and level ground. Do no ob-
struct the traffi c on the roads. Do not impede road users
/ people and do not expose them to risks.
Positi on towing vehicle in front of the trailer.
- Trailer should be aligned with the towing vehicle
(in a straight line).
Secure the towing vehicle to prevent it from rolling away.
Release hand brake on the trailer (if present).
Couple the trailer / secure safety cable, arrester cable.
Remove wheel chocks and secure in brackets.
Raise jockey wheel / supports (if present).
Plug electric systems into socket on car.
Carry out departure check.
To avoid accidents and prevent personal injury and
material damage, it is important to carefully check the
conditi on and functi on of the trailer before setti ng off .
The listed components may vary depending on your
trailer equipment and type.
If the holder commissions and licences a trailer with
defects, then they will be prosecuted in Germany with
fi nes and points on their licence according to the
German Road Traffi c Act (StVO).
Check your trailer regularly for defects.
Recti fy faults / defects of have them repaired immediately
in a specialist workshop.
Example: Trailer unbraked, coupled
Carry out a departure check.
Testi ng
Coupling head
has engaged properly and is secured?
Safety / wear indicator is in the green zone?
Safety cable / arrester cable
has been securely att ached / hooked in to the retainer on the car coupling?
Hand brake lever (if present)
is released?
Plug connecti on (electric system)
is fi rmly connected and secured?
Electric cable
does not rest / drag on the ground and is not wound too ti ghtly around the drawbar?
Jockey wheel (if present)
has been cranked up correctly and secured?
Wheel chocks
are removed and secured in holders?
weight is evenly / correctly distributed and secured against sliding around / ti ed down?
are fi lled to the correct tyre pressure; do not show any damage and have suffi cient
profi le?
Lights, positi on lamps
are working / undamaged?
Anti -theft device
has been removed and stowed away safely?
is closed and secured or removed for the transportati on of long materials?
Att achments / accessories (e.g. cover,
have been locked and secured?
Departure checklist
Example: Trailer closed / lighti ng functi ons