The following steps ensure the T7 cart is configured to allow the MedLink Lite software to control the drawer system, rather
than being configured for use with the more advanced PC-based MedLink Pro software.
1. From any screen on the interface, touch the “gear” icon in the header to enter the Settings screen.
2. Scroll to the bottom of the Settings list and touch Administrative Login.
3. Enter the Administrator PIN code. On new T7 carts, the default PIN code is set to 1234. You should change the PIN to a
unique code that is only known to supervisors, managers and technical support staff within your facility. Instructions for
this can be found within the T7 User Guide.
Initial Sof t ware Configuration
The MedLink Lite control software is built into the T7 cart touch screen user
interface. Before you can use MedLink, you must first ensure the MedLink Lite
software is configured appropriately for your needs. Before deploying MedLink
Lite in your facility, you should consult with a Humanscale MedLink Specialist to
configure the system based on your needs.
Fig A
Fig B
Fig C