If User Rights for Location Scanning and Override are disabled: the drawer will enter the Reassign process with no other interaction.
Double Left Click: will unlock the drawer with no other interaction.
Right Click: takes the user to the Reassign process.
If User Rights for Location Scanning and Override are enabled: the user will need to Scan a location barcode or use the
Override process.
If User Rights for Location Scanning and Override are disabled: the user will enter the Reassign process with no other
Unassigned Drawer Behavior
Left Single Click: takes the user to the reassign process.
If User Rights for Location Scanning and Override are enabled: the user will need to Scan a location barcode or use the
Override process to reassign the drawer.
If User Rights for Location Scanning and Override are disabled: the drawer will enter the Reassign process with no
other interaction.
Right Click: takes the user to the reassign process.
If User Rights for Location Scanning and Override are enabled: the user will need to Scan a location barcode or use the
Override process to reassign the drawer.
If User Rights for Location Scanning and Override are disabled: the drawer will enter the Reassign process with no
other interaction.
Left Double Click: has no effect on unassigned drawers.
When Location Scanning and Override processes are enabled, there is a choice to scan the “Location bar code” or use an administrative
login to “Override” the Location scan for the one action. The override may optionally be followed by a prompt to enter a “Reason” for
the override. This override action is recorded and noted in reports.
If a bar code is damaged or unavailable to scan and you need to access a drawer, being by selecting a drawer and clicking
the Open button.
On the following screen where you are prompted to scan a bar code to continue, click the Cannot Scan Bar Code button.
Depending how the system is configured, you will be taken to the either the “Witness” override process, or the “PAN/MRN”
override process.
Fig 28