Pull open the drawer and remove from the cassette completely if you prefer. If HL7 is enabled, the screen will now display a list
of patients within the hospital thatcan be selected and assigned to the drawer.
By default, the list shows only patients from the current user’s department.
The list may be filtered using the drop down menu to include patients from all departments, or patients from a
different department.
The list may be searched using the text box.
If the patient is not found in the list or an HL7 feed is not enabled, a drawer may be manually labelled using the button
in the top right. Note that when using this option, drawers do not display any information other than the label you enter,
and it will not be possible to open the drawer using patient wristband scanning, since there will not be a wristband bar
code associated with the drawer.
Select your chosen patient and then click the Assign button. Clicking Cancel will exit the reassign process and will leave the
drawer assigned as it was previously.
Fig 17
Fig 18