Computer settings
For proper operation of the satellite router, you may have to change certain settings on the
computer that is connected to the router.
Instructions are provided for:
• Configuring a computer to support DHCP
• Configuring a computer to use a static IP address
• Disabling a web browser's proxy connection
These procedures are explained in the sections that follow.
Understanding the router address and computer address
The satellite router and any computer or computers that connect to it must each have their own
identifying network address. This network address is known as an
IP address
. An IP address
may be
, meaning that it can change, or
meaning that it is fixed—it does not
change. An IP address may also be public (or
), meaning that it can be used on the
Internet. A
IP address works on an internal network but not over the Internet. However,
to gain access to the Internet, private addresses may be converted by a network address translation
(NAT) service to a public IP address that can be used on the Internet. Both private and public
addresses can be dynamic or static.
Both the router and a connected computer can have either type of address—dynamic or static.
The type used depends on requirements a customer might have and their service plan. A static
IP address or addresses are available only if they are specified in the service plan. Enterprise
users usually use a static IP address or multiple static IP addresses.
To find specific address information, go to the System Control Center System Information page
Figure 19: Terminal Status page (top part)
on page 31. Scroll down until you see Addressing
in the left column. Look at the first three parameters in the Addressing field, as shown in the
following two examples.
Private IP addresses
Figure 32: Example of Addressing parameters showing available private IP addresses
on page
54 is an example of System Information page address parameters for a satellite router with a
service plan that provides private IP addresses.
HN9500 Satellite Router User Guide
1037737-0001 Revision E