Steps for Setting-Up the Hud-Son Saw Mill
A. Machine Set-Up (ground track unit)
a) For best results and easier set-up, the mill location should be level and free of
b) A level cement pad is the best option, but square timbers also work well. You will
need to support the track at each joint and under each cross member.
c) You will need to be sure that the mill is level from front to back and side to side.
The better the mill is supported the better the mill work.
d) There should be a 4 ft. clear work area around the entire mill.
B. Welded Track Assembly
a) Dogs needs to facing in the same direction, the moveable dogs need to be on the
same side of the track which is on the operator's side of the mill head.
b) There are additional holes in the track so that the dogs can be moved to different
c) The tracks are bolted together using bolt and nuts. The Oscar 18 and 228 mills will
have 2 bolt/nuts: the Oscar 230/236 and 52 mills will have 3 bolts/nuts. Line up the tracks
so that the center holes align. Using the provided bolts put them through the holes and
finger tighten the nuts. Adjust the track height so that the 2 pieces of track meet flush
and level. Work one side then the other, once level has been achieved, check the track to
see if it aligns vertically. If the track is not aligned correctly use a hammer to tap it into
position. Once this is accomplished tighten the bolts securely.
Bolted together Track
Flush & Level
Track on level ground, free of
Moveable dogs on one side
Track Stops
Squaring Pin
Operator’s Side
d) The track comes with four
track stop tabs. They consist of
the track stop tab bolt and nut.
Place the tracks stops in the four
end corners of on the inside of
the track. Place them on the
inside of the track secure them
into place with the bolt and nut.
The track stop tabs are placed at
an angle over the track to prevent
any further travel of the mill
Set-Up and Operation
Moveable Log Dog