S1700 Managed Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual
5 Service Management
Issue 05 (2012-10-25)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Figure 5-18
MAC Aging Time
Table 5-11
Parameters of MAC Aging Time
Aging Time
Enter MAC address aging time.(Range:0, 10~1000000
seconds; default: 300 seconds; 0 means null aging
5.4.3 Static MAC Table
After the MAC address is bound to the assigned interface, the crated static MAC table entry
will not be aging in the address table. If the address is discoverd by another interface, it will
be neglected and not be written into address table. The address will not be learned by other
interfaces unless the static address is deleted manually from address table.
Click Service Management > MAC > Static MAC Table page to open the page as shown in
following figure, which displays the information of static address table of switch.
Figure 5-19
Static MAC Table
Table 5-12
Parameters of Static MAC Table
Search the matched entry based on Interface Name,
MAC Address or VLAN ID.
MAC Address
MAC address in address table.
VLAN ID that corresponds to the above MAC address