S1700 Managed Series Ethernet Switches
Web User Manual
9 Security
Issue 05 (2012-10-25)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
Configured static MAC manually.
Learned dynamic MAC before reaching the number limitation.
Source MAC which is not included in the above types will be considered illegal.
9.5.1 Port Security Parameter Configuration
Click Security> Port Security> Port Security Parameter Configuration, the configuration page
is displayed as follows.
Figure 9-20
Port Security Parameter Configuration
Table 9-14
Parameters of Port Security Parameter Configuration
Interface Name
Display interface number.
Maximum number of MAC address that the interface can learn.
MAC address that the interface learns currently.
Security Action
Protect: When the number of learned MAC address reaches the
limitation number of interface, the interface will drop the message
whose source address is not included in MAC table.
Restrict: When the number of the learned MAC address reaches the
limitation number of interface, the interface will drop the message
whose source address is not included in MAC table, and record it in
the system log.
Shutdown: When the number of the learned MAC address reaches
the limitation number of interface, the interface will execute
Shutdown operation, and record it in the system log.
Configure Port Security for Interface
Step 1
Click Security> Port Security.
Step 2
Click Port Security Parameter Configurations in Tab.
Step 3
Click the checkbox on the left side of port security interface to be configured, then click
Configure button to open port security configuration page.