P8 Smartphone FAQs
8 Location service and navigation
Issue 01 (2015/03)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
8.4 Why is the location information of the third-party
positioning application inconsistent with the actual
The location information of a third-party positioning application is provided by the third-party
application provider if there is no GPS signals available, resulting in incorrect positioning
results. Use another similar application and try again. You can also take your phone to an open
area and try again.
8.5 Why does the GPS icon occasionally appear on the
status bar?
Certain applications using the location information may enable or periodically call the GPS
function (for example, a weather application).
Go to
Permission manager
Access location info
. Check whether the corresponding
applications access the location information.
8.6 Why is the compass inaccurate?
The compass may not be calibrated. You can open a compass application (map or compass)
and move your phone in an 8-pattern.
8.7 Does my phone support the BeiDou Navigation
Satellite System and how do I check whether the BeiDou
Navigation Satellite System is running?
Only Huawei Honor 6 Plus and the products released in 2015 support the BeiDou Navigation
Satellite System. You can install the GPS Test software on your phone and check the satellite
search result. If the satellite ID is larger than 200, your phone is using the BeiDou Navigation
Satellite System.
8.8 Is the GPS function charged?
The GPS function does not require the mobile network. Therefore, it is not charged.
If you enable the mobile network or WLAN, the GPS positioning can become more accurate.
However, Internet access is required when you browse through the map or plan a route, which
may incur data usage fees. You are suggested to download an offline map package.