P8 Smartphone FAQs
4 Camera, music, and video
Issue 01 (2015/03)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
4.124 How long can the video be that is taken in Director
Considering power consumption, currently you can shoot a video of up to 5 minutes in Director Mode.
4.125 Can I use Director Mode to shoot videos when my
phone's battery level is low?
Yes, only if your phone's battery level is above 15%. If the battery level is lower than 15%, Director Mode cannot be enabled.
4.126 Why can't other phones create groups in Director
Only Huawei phones can create groups in Director Mode. However, we are considering adding such a feature to other new
4.127 Why does my phone generate heat after I use
Director Mode for a while?
Much power will be consumed when you are recording videos and transmitting data using Wi-Fi in Director Mode. Therefore,
your phone will generate heat after you use Director Mode for a while.
4.128 Will Director Mode consume data traffic?
No. In Director Mode, a Wi-Fi hotspot is created on the host phone and shared with the guest phones, so no data traffic will be
4.129 Why can't I add background music when I am
editing a video using Director Mode?
The video is not taken in Director Mode but generated from other channels, and it does not contain soundtracks, so you cannot
add background music to it. You need to download normal video files instead.