P8 Smartphone FAQs
11 Network access and data sharing
Issue 01 (2015/03)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
11.41 Why can't I access the 4G network?
Ensure that the following conditions are satisfied:
Your phone supports the 4G network.
The SIM card is a 4G card.
You have activated the 4G data plan and the enabled the 4G network connection on your
The service provider provides local 4G network coverage.
11.42 Can my 4G phone use the 3G card?
Yes, your phone can use the 3G card provided by the same service provider.
11.43 What is 4G?
4G is short for the 4th Generation Mobile Communication, which supports faster data
transmission than the 3G network.
11.44 Why does the 4G phone consume more traffic than
the 3G phone?
This understanding is incorrect.
The 4G network uses 42 MHz frequency and the 3G network uses 21 MHz frequency. The
download speed of the 4G network is faster than that of the 3G network. However, fast speed
does not mean a large traffic consumption. Traffic consumption depends on the user data
usage instead of networks and phones.
The data transmission speed of the 4G network is faster. Misoperations may consume a large
amount of traffic. Therefore, you are suggested to disable the mobile data services when you
are not using the mobile network.
11.45 How can I use the 4G service?
You need to sign the contract for using the 4G service.
You need to obtain a 4G SIM card.
You need to have a phone supporting the 4G network.