describes the usage scenarios of SNMP versions, which helps you choose a
proper version for the communication between an NM station and managed devices based on
the network operation conditions.
When multiple NM stations using different SNMP versions manage the same device in a network SNMPv1,
SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3 are configured on the device for its communication with all the NM stations.
Table 3-2
Description of features supported by SNMP
Access control
This function is used to restrict a user's device
administration rights. It gives specific users
the rights to manage specified objects on
devices and therefore provides fine
Authentication and privacy
The authentication and privacy packets are
transmitted between the NM station and
managed devices. This prevents data packets
from being intercepted or modified,
improving data sending security.
Error code
Error codes help the administrator to identify
and rectify faults. It is easy for the
administrator to manage the device if the
error codes are more with variety.
Traps are sent from managed devices to the
NM station. Traps help administrator to know
device faults.
The managed devices do not require the
acknowledgement from the NM station after
sending traps.
Informs are sent from managed devices to the
NM station.
The managed devices require the
acknowledgement from the NM station after
sending informs. If a managed device does
not receive an acknowledgement after
sending an inform, then the managed device
performs the following:
Resend the inform to the NM station.
Store the inform in the memory, which
consumes lot of system resources.
Generate the log information.
If the NM station restarts, it can learn the informs
sent during the restart process.
HUAWEI NetEngine5000E Core Router
Configuration Guide - System Management
3 SNMP Configuration
Issue 01 (2011-10-15)
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.