Chapter 7 Detailed Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
HD09 Series User Manual V1.1
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Running direction selection
0,1 [0]
0: Same direction.
1: Contrary direction.
Dead time between positive and negative rotation
0.0 - 3600.0 [0.0s]
Define transient time when output frequency is 0 in rotation.
External keypad enable
00 - 21 [00]
Units: Buttons enable
0: Enable. When convertere is connected with keypad, button operating can be done
1: Invalid. When convertere is connected with keypad, button operating can not be done.
Tens: Potentiometer enable
0: External keypad potentiometer precedence. When converter is connected with keypad via
communication interface, its input voltage is right in keypad. After removing external keypad, voltage is
right in its own keypad.
1: Build-in keypad potentiometer. When converter is connected with keypad via communication interface.
Potentiometer input voltage is right in build-in keypad and external one’s potentiometer is invalid.
2: External keypad potentiometer. When converter is connected with external keypad via communication
interface. Potentiometer input voltage is right in external keypad and build-in one’s potentiometer is
Hibernation function enable
0 - 2 [0]
0: Forbidden. This function is invalid.
1: Enable 1. Under running status, when setted frequency ≤ Min.running frequency (F00.09), after
hibernating delay time (F00.24), converter will stop freely and enter into hibernating status.
2: Enable 2. Under running status, when setted frequency ≤ hibernating frequency (F00.25), after hibernating
delay time (F00.24), converter will stop freely and enter into hibernating status.
Hibernation awaking time
0.0 - 360.0 [0.0s]
When converer is in hibernation status and setted frequency > Min. running frequency (F00.09) or
hibernating frequency (F00.25), besides, sustaining time reaches F00.22 setted time. Converter will awake up
and work from hibernating status.
Hibernating delay
0.0 - 3600.0 [0.0s]
Hibernating frequency
0.00 - Max. frequency