configuring HDLC encapsulation, 156
configuring Kompella, 164, 188
configuring Kompella local connection, 190
configuring local CCC connection, 157, 168
configuring Martini, 161
configuring Martini VC redundancy, 181
configuring Martini VC with VC type of
PPP, 177
configuring PE-CE interface of PE, 155
configuring PPP encapsulation, 156
configuring primary and backup SVCs for
service instance, 160
configuring primary and backup SVCs on
Layer 3 interface, 159
configuring remote CCC connection, 157, 170
configuring remote peer for PE (Martini), 162
configuring SVC, 158
configuring SVC on Layer 3 interface, 159
configuring SVC with VC type of PPP, 173
configuring VC for service instance, 192
configuring VLAN encapsulation, 157
configuring VPN (Kompella), 164
creating CE connection (Kompella), 165
creating Martini VC for service instance, 163
creating Martini VC on Layer 3 interface, 162
displaying, 167
enabling L2VPN and MPLS L2VPN
(VPLS), 203
implementing, 147
implementing CCC, 147
implementing Kompella, 148
implementing Martini, 148
implementing SVC, 148
maintaining, 167
resetting BGP L2VPN session
(Kompella), 166
troubleshooting, 196
address space overlapping, 238
associating instance with interface, 262
BGP AS number substitution, 257
BGP extended community attributes, 239
BGP SoO, 257
carrier's carrier, 248
concept, 238
configuring, 237, 261
configuring BGP AS number
substitution, 290, 371, 374
configuring BGP SoO, 290, 374
configuring BGP VPNv4 subaddress family
common routing, 271
configuring BGP VPNv4 subaddress family
routing, 271
configuring BGP VPNv4 subaddress family
specific routing, 272
configuring carrier's carrier, 337
configuring FRR, 291
configuring HoVPN, 279, 355
configuring hub-spoke network, 314
configuring inter-AS option A, 322
configuring inter-AS option B, 326
configuring inter-AS option C, 331
configuring inter-AS VPN, 274
configuring inter-AS VPN ASBR PE, 276
configuring inter-AS VPN ASBR PE routing
policy, 277
configuring inter-AS VPN option A, 274
configuring inter-AS VPN option B, 275
configuring inter-AS VPN option C, 275
configuring inter-AS VPN PE, 276
configuring LDP instance, 265
configuring MCE, 367
configuring multi-role host, 353
configuring nested VPN, 277, 344
configuring OSPF loopback interface, 280
configuring OSPF sham link, 280, 362
configuring PE and CE EBGP, 268
configuring PE and CE IBGP, 269
configuring PE and CE IS-IS, 267
configuring PE and CE OSPF, 266
configuring PE and CE RIP, 266
configuring PE and CE routing, 265
configuring PE and CE static routing, 265
configuring PE and PE routing, 270
configuring using EBGP between PE and CE, 295
configuring using GRE tunnel, 309
configuring using IBGP between PE and CE, 302
configuring VPN instance, 261
configuring VPN instance route related
attribute, 262
configuring VPN instance tunneling policy, 263
creating OSPF sham link, 281
creating VPN instance, 261
displaying, 292
extranet networking scheme, 243
FRR, 257
HoVPN extension, 254
HoVPN network model, 252
HoVPN recursion, 254
hub-spoke networking scheme, 242
implementing HoVPN, 253