[PE2-mpls] mpls te
[PE2-mpls] mpls rsvp-te
[PE2-mpls] mpls te cspf
[PE2-mpls] quit
[PE2] interface pos 5/1/1
[PE2-POS5/1/1] mpls
[PE2-POS5/1/1] mpls te
[PE2-POS5/1/1] mpls rsvp-te
[PE2-POS5/1/1] quit
Enable OSPF TE:
# Configure PE 1.
[PE1] ospf
[PE1-ospf-1] opaque-capability enable
[PE1-ospf-1] area 0
[PE1-ospf-1-area-] mpls-te enable
[PE1-ospf-1-area-] quit
[PE1-ospf-1] quit
# Configure PE 2.
[PE2] ospf
[PE2-ospf-1] opaque-capability enable
[PE2-ospf-1] area 0
[PE2-ospf-1-area-] mpls-te enable
[PE2-ospf-1-area-] quit
[PE2-ospf-1] quit
Configure an MPLS TE tunnel:
# Create a TE tunnel with PE 1 as the ingress node and PE 2 as the egress node. The signaling
protocol is RSVP-TE.
[PE1] interface tunnel 1
[PE1-Tunnel1] ip address
[PE1-Tunnel1] tunnel-protocol mpls te
[PE1-Tunnel1] destination
[PE1-Tunnel1] mpls te tunnel-id 10
[PE1-Tunnel1] mpls te signal-protocol rsvp-te
[PE1-Tunnel1] mpls te commit
[PE1-Tunnel1] quit
Execute the
display interface tunnel
command on PE 1. The output shows that the tunnel
interface is up.
Configure the VPN instance on each PE, and bind it to the interface connected to the CE:
# Configure on CE 1.
<CE1> system-view
[CE1] interface giabitethernet 2/1/1
[CE1-GigabitEthernet2/1/1] ip address
[CE1-GigabitEthernet2/1/1] quit
# Configure the VPN instance on PE 1, and use CR-LSP for VPN setup. Bind the VPN instance
with the interface connected to CE 1.
[PE1] ip vpn-instance vpn1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] route-distinguisher 100:1
[PE1-vpn-instance-vpn1] vpn-target 100:1 both