: Specifies the files as backup startup files. Backup startup images are used only when main
images are not available.
: Specifies the files as main startup files. The device always first attempts to start up with main startup
Usage guidelines
Use this command to upgrade startup software images for all MPUs. To upgrade only standby MPUs, you
can also use the
boot-loader update
Before specifying startup software images, you can save the upgrade file to the switch.
In standalone mode, save the file to the root directory of the flash memory on the active MPU.
In IRF mode, save the file to the root directory of the flash memory on the global active MPU.
Alternatively, you can save the upgrade file to a USB disk.
If the storage medium is partitioned, save the files to the root directory of the first partition. The flash
memory allows file paths or names of up to 56 characters. A USB disk allows file paths or names of up
to 57 characters.
If a standby MPU is specified, the system automatically copies the upgrade file to the flash memory on the
specified MPU, and sets images in the file as startup images. If a file with the same name as the upgrade
file already exists, you must choose whether to overwrite the existing file.
boot-loader file
command overwrites the entire startup software image list. To add new startup
feature images, specify all feature image files, including feature image files in the old startup software
image list. The new startup software image list will contain only the feature image files that are specified
in the command.
# In standalone mode, specify
as the backup startup image file for the MPU in slot 17.
<Sysname> boot-loader file flash:/all.ipe slot 17 backup
Verifying image file......Done.
Images in IPE:
This command will set the backup startup software images. Continue? [Y/N]:Y
Add images to target slot.
flash:/boot.bin already exists on slot 17.
flash:/system.bin already exists on slot 17.
flash:/ssh.bin already exists on slot 17.
Overwrite it? [Y/N]:y
Decompressing file boot.bin to flash:/boot.bin....................................Done.
Decompressing file system.bin to flash:/system.bin................................Done.
The images that have passed all examinations will be used as the backup startup software
images at the next reboot on slot 17.
# In IRF mode, specify
as the backup startup image file for the MPU in slot 17 on IRF
member device 1.
<Sysname> boot-loader file flash:/all.ipe chassis 1 slot 17 backup
Verifying image file......Done.
Images in IPE: