Scans by ArtekMedia © 2007
Using the HP 7090A Documentation
The HP 7090A can be used as a stand-alone instrument, or as a program
mable input/output-component of a computer-based system. Therefore, two
separate manuals aTe provided. - an Operator's Manual, which details
front-panel (stand-alone) operations, and an Interfacing and Programming
Manual, which details programming operations. A Pocket Guide is also
included for use as a quick programming reference.
For All HP 7090A
Using the documentation systematically will help you to achieve optimum
results in the shortest possible time, and save hours of frustrating experi
mentation. Contents of the manuals are summarized below, followed by
suggestions on using the documentation based on your application.
Operator's Manual.
This manual contains all of the information neces
sary to perform measurement and plotting operations using front-panel
controls. Information is also included on instrument installation and main·
tenance, how to load pens and paper, and how to use the controls. The
remaining chapters detail how to perform measurement operations.
Interfacing and Programming Manual.
The Interfacing and Program·
ming Manual contains all of the information you will need to perform
remote-controlled operation of the HP 7090A. A complete description of all
programming instructions usable for recorder and plotter functions is
included, as well as directions on using the HP-IB interface bus to interface
the HP 7090A with specific computers.
Pocket Guide.
The Pocket Guide is intended for those who are already
familiar with the information contained in the Interfacing and Program·
ming Manual, and who need a convenient reference during remote applica
tions of the HP 7090A.
If you have just received your HP 7090A, or are just learning to use it, read
the following portions of the Operator's Manual before attempting any
front-panel or programming operations:
This chapter will help you setup the HP 7090A. It contains
important information on the accesories provided, instrument installation,
maintenance, and power requirements.
This chapter will acquaint you with the HP 7090A's major
features, controls, and operating modes. In addition, it explains how to load
pens and paper in preparation for measurement and plotter applications.
The section in this chapter entitled "Connecting Analog Input
Signals" contains information on connecting input intended for measure
ment. To prevent damage to the HP 7090A, be sure to read this section
before performing any measurement operations.
Mter reading the above introductory material, refer to the manual that is
suitable for your application. If you intend to use the HP 7090A as a stand·
alone instrument, read the remaining portions of the Operator's Manual.
On the other hand, if you intend to interface the HP 7090A with a host
computer and perform programming operations, read the Interfacing and
Programming Manual, using the operator's manual as an additional source
of information. After you are comfortable with using the HP 7090A pro-
gramming instructions, the Pocket Guide can be used as a handy reference.