Table 4
Output description
Field Description
Name of the RADIUS scheme
Index number of the RADIUS scheme
Type of the RADIUS server
Primary Auth Server
Primary authentication server
Primary Acct Server
Primary accounting server
Second Auth Server
Secondary authentication server
Second Acct Server
Secondary accounting server
Encryption Key
Shared key for secure authentication or accounting communication,
displayed as a series of asterisks (******). If no shared key is configured,
this field displays
This shared key is used only when no specific shared key is specified for the
RADIUS server.
Probe username
Username used for server status detection.
Probe interval
Server status detection interval, in minutes.
IP address of the server. N/A means not configured.
Service port of the server. If no port configuration is performed, the default
port number is displayed.
Status of the server, active or block.
Auth Server Encryption Key
Shared key for secure authentication communication, displayed as a series
of asterisks (******). If no shared key is configured, this field displays
Acct Server Encryption Key
Shared key for secure accounting communication, displayed as a series of
asterisks (******). If no shared key is configured, this field displays
Accounting-On packet disable
The accounting-on feature is disabled
send times
Retransmission times of accounting-on packets
Interval to retransmit accounting-on packets
Interval for timeout(second)
Timeout time in seconds
Retransmission times for timeout Times of retransmission in case of timeout
Interval for realtime
Interval for realtime accounting in minutes
Retransmission times of
realtime-accounting packet
Retransmission times of realtime-accounting packet
Retransmission times of
stop-accounting packet
Retransmission times of stop-accounting packet
Quiet interval for the primary server
Username format
Format of the usernames to be sent to the RADIUS server
Data flow unit
Unit of data flows
Packet unit
Unit of packets