4 214 283 / 00
Important information
Other instructions
Depending on the application, any additional instructio-
ns can be found in the Hoval installation handbook! In
some cases the instructions are enclosed with the sep-
arately packed components.
Further information sources
- Hoval catalogue
- Standards, regulations
Safety information
The system may only be placed in operation if all the re-
levant standards and safety regulations have been com-
plied with. At least the following conditions must be satis-
1. Safety valve installed (closed system)
2. Control in operation (connected to the mains current
supply system)
3. Sensor for the safety temperature limiter mounted in
the immersion sleeve.
5. Expansion vessel connected / pressurisation unit in-
terlocked with the burner.
7. An adequate supply of fresh air must be guaranteed.
8. Burner preset.
Regulations, official approvals
The following regulations are to be complied with installa-
tion and operation, in addition to current IEE Regulations,
other relevant British Standards and codes of practise,
Building Regulations and Local Authority by-laws:
• BS EN 12831 Heating systems in buildings
Methods for calculating the design heat load
• BS EN 12828 Heating systems in buildings
Planning of hot water heating systems.
Construction, design, safety requirements.
Construction, design, safety requirements, design and
execution (for gas burner operation).
• BS 18160 Domestic chimneys, requirements, design
and construction.
• VDI 2035 Prevention of damage through corrosion and
scale formation in hot water heating systems.
water boilers of rated inputs of between 70 kW (net)
and 1.8 MW (net) (2nd and 3rd family gases).
trial and commercial premises.
trial and commercial premises.
• IGEM/UP/2 Installation pipework on industrial and com-
mercial premises.
Regulations from the local building authority, insurance
companies and chimney sweeps must also be complied
with. When using gas as fuel, the regulations of the re-
permit may be required.
IGE/UP/10 Installation of flued gas appliances in indus-