Start-up and use
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Before starting the appliance, follow the
installation instruction
(see Installation)
! Before connecting the appliance, clean the
compartments and accessories well with lukewarm
water and bicarbonate.
! The appliance comes with a motor protection control
system which makes the compressor start
approximately 8 minutes after being switched on. The
compressor also starts each time the power supply is
cut off whether voluntarily or involuntarily (blackout).
Freezer Compartment
When the product is switched on (the
button is
pressed for more than two seconds) the freezer
compartment is set to its default value of -18 C We
recommend that the
function is set
(the freezer display shows the text “SF”) in order to
accelerate the cooling process of the compartment;
when the inside of the compartment has reached its
optimal temperature the function will be deactivated and
the food may be placed inside.
Refrigerator Compartment
When the appliance is switched on the refrigerator
compartment is set to its default value of +5
recommend that the
function is set (the
refrigerator display shows the text “SC”) in order to
accelerate the cooling process of the compartment.
After a few hours it will be cool enough for food to be
placed inside.
The Full No Frost system circulates cold air to collect
humidity and prevent ice and frost formation. The
system maintains an optimal humidity level in the
compartment, preserving the original quality of the food,
preventing the food from sticking together and making
defrosting a thing of the past. Do not block the aeration
cells by placing food or containers in direct contact with
the refrigerating back panel.
Please follow our instructions carefully on maximum
storage time: any food, even the freshest, will not remain
edible for any extended amount of time.
- Do not place liquids in containers without covering
them because this will lead to an increase in the level of
moisture within the refrigerator, causing the formation of
- Remember to cool hot food before storing otherwise
the temperature inside the appliance will increase,
causing the compressor to work harder and use more
- Contrary to popular belief, cooked foods are not stored
any longer than raw food.
- The refrigerator compartment is equipped with
convenient, removable shelves which can be adjusted
for height using the shelf guides. This allows you to
place even large containers and foodstuffs in the
- Be careful not to place containers (plastic or glass),
food or other objects in direct contact with the cooling
area of the back wall of the refrigerator. This could harm
the food, in-crease energy consumption and facilitate
the formation of condensate (on food, containers, etc.).
Activate the SUPER COOL function to lower the
temperature quickly. For example, when you place a
large number of new food items inside a fridge, the
internal temperature will rise slightly. The function
quickly cools the groceries by temporarily reducing the
temperature until it reaches the ideal level.
Fresh Box
has a temperature by 3-5 C low than an
average temperature of a refrigerating compartment,
and it’s destined for such foodstuffs as ham, cutlets,
sausage. It’s also recommended to keep there
perishables fresh-killed meat, fish, etc., freezing of
which is undesirable since they will be used in the near
Fresh Box should not be moved from its proper place.
Don’t lean foodstuffs against the aeration cells.
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Starting the appliance
Using the refrigerator to its full potential
Downloaded from Manuals