Enable Virus Scanner
Opening the wrong advertisement or touching the wrong link can infect your device with Trojans and
malware that will secretly install themselves onto your device and potentially steal your personal data.
Running a virus scan can locate and remove any potential threats to keep your Phone in good shape.
Phone Manager, touch Virus scan, and your device will automatically scan for and delete
any security threats. You can also touch
to perform the following options:
Cloud virus scan: Enable Cloud scan and your Phone will add a dynamic, cloud-based scan to its
standard scan, keeping your Phone safe from new threats.
Quick scan: Select Quick scan. The system will quickly scan key locations and apps on your device
during routine maintenance.
Full scan: Select Full scan. The system will then comprehensively scan your device for any malware
or harmful files at regular intervals. This process takes longer, but covers a wider range and ensures
your device is fully protected from any threats.
Virus library update: Enable Manual update to manually update your virus database.
Alternatively, enable Auto-update and Only update over Wi-Fi. The system will automatically
update its virus database over Wi-Fi, keeping your device's threat removal capabilities up to date.
The virus scan reminder is enabled by default. The system will notify you if you do not perform an
anti-virus scan for more than 30 days.
Phone Manager