MCS--4200/7200 Multi--Channel SATCOM System
15 Jul 2006
Honeywell International Inc. Do not copy without express permission of Honeywell.
Page A--4
SATCOM Avionics Unit Mounting Hardware
(1) SATCOM avionics mounting hardware is made up of the HPA, SDU, and SCU and
will be mounted in ARINC 600 style tray assemblies. The HPA and SDU each require
forced air cooling during normal operation, whereas the SCU can function properly
with convection cooling alone. Refer to MECHANICAL INSTALLATION, for LRU
cooling requirements.
G. SATCOM Hardware Component Kits
(1) This paragraph contains information on how to select SATCOM hardware component
kits offered by ECS for the Honeywell MCS--4200/7200 avionic units in Table A--3
thru Table A--8. ECS supplies several options for each kit to accommodate the variety
of mounting requirements specific to each aircraft installation. ECS tray assemblies
come with and without independent cooling systems to ensure installation flexibility.
(2) The tray assemblies have been specially designed to meet Honeywell and ARINC
600 LRU cooling requirements. Tray assemblies are supplied with insertion/extraction
front hold-downs as standard, but are available with other front hold-down options.
For tray assembly dimensions refer to Figure A--3.
(3) The hardware component kits for the HPA, HSU, and SDU are listed in Table A--3
thru Table A--8, respectively.