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MAN0443.P65 Issue 13 Aug 04
5701 Control System
05701-M-5001 A02279
Irrespective of the operating mode of the analogue output,
the “fault level” and “inhibit level” shall be configured to
different values outside the measuring range. The signalling
of faults and inhibits at the analogue output shall be activated.
If no local inhibit relays are configured, a master inhibit
relay shall be configured.
If no local fault relays are configured, a master fault relay
shall be configured.
When relays are used for signalling update alarms, no other
alarms or messages must be allocated to them. Configuration
of update messages for “inhibit” should be avoided.
Time delayed relays shall not be used.
The status of the control unit obtained via Modbus shall
be used only for the purpose of visualisation or
documentation but not for safety purposes. Write access
via Modbus shall be avoided. This certificate is concerned
solely with information which can be obtained from Modbus
functions 02 and 04.
When a control card 5701 is configured for master or
voted alarms as well as master or voted fault or inhibit
messages, high integrity relay cards should be used. If
no high integrity relay cards are used, triple relay cards
shall be used. In such cases, both the relays and the
LEDs of this control card will reflect only the status of the
master or voting group. For an “X out of Y” linkage with
vote counts (X) > 1, local alarms or messages of this
control card are not displayed if less than X control cards
have entered the alarm, fault or inhibit status, respectively.
Therefore, voting groups have to be configured in such a
way that vote counts of “1” are used for voted faults and
inhibit messages to allow for signalling of local fault and
inhibit states of the control card.
Relay 1 of a high integrity relay card is always assigned
to a local fault. It is also used for signalling malfunction of
the high integrity relay card itself. Therefore, this relay
shall be monitored for each high integrity relay card.