Dear garden friend
Congratulations on the purchase of a RIGA greenhouse from
, Germany.
You w ill find the assembly of the RIGA greenhouse to be q uick and easy if you carefully
follow these Assembly Instructions.
The assembly req uires only tw o people, but it w ill go q uick er if you have access to a 3 rd
person w ho can help from time to time - this person does not need to be especially strong
or handy.
C on ten ts :
H ok lartherm inspectors have carefully check ed the contents of each pack age. Nonetheless,
w e ask you to do the same: Check the contents of each pack age against the table of
contents in this Manual. Call us toll-free if believe you are missing any parts: 1-8 7 7 -7 6 0-
8 5 00.
Note: B efore you call us, mak e sure you have received all the pack ages. Check the F reight
B ill provided by the delivery company’s driver and/or the P ack ing Slip attached to the
outside of one of your pack ages.
C hoos e the b es t loc ation :
P lease choose, if possible, a sunny and protected location for your greenhouse. Avoid a
heavily shaded near buildings and/or trees. H ow ever, also be careful to avoid bright, direct
sunlight (especially in the Southw estern part of the U nited States). H igh-intensity sunshine
is not good for more than a few hours a day. In such areas some protection from trees and/
or buildings is recommended. Shade cloth might also be needed (ask your supplier for
details). F or greenhouses intended for grow ing vegetables such as tomatoes, cucumbers
and melons w e recommend the greenhouse be located in a north-south direction, and for
those to be used for flow ers and pot plants orient it in an east-w est direction.
Do not attempt to assemble the RIGA greenhouse while a wind is blowing
- your Glaz ing Panels might blow away.
Do not ex pose the Glaz ing Panels, with their special protective film, to bright sunlight or
the film will become permanently glued to the Panels before the film is removed during
M an u fac tu rer’s L imit to the RIG A w arran ty - G laz in g: 1 0 years . F rame:
1 5 years .
The RIGA has been specially designed to w ithstand heavy w inds, snow storms and other
bad w eather, how ever proper assembly is essential. Mak e sure you assemble the RIGA
greenhouse ex actly according to this manual. In case of any difficulties please call us:
1-8 7 7 -7 6 0-8 5 00. H ok lartherm w ill not w arrant this greenhouse if it is not properly assembled,
neither is the company responsible for damage done by very severe w eather, such as
tornedos, hurricanes, lightning, and/or ‘force majeure’ (other acts of God).