6 Optional motor versions
Operating manual mzr-7240
Last update: March 2019
Technical data subject to change without prior notice!
While connecting the DC voltage pay attention to the correct polarity,
otherwise electronics may be damaged.
Controller which the manufacturer specifically shipped for the network
modus were with the command NET1, SOR0, ANSW0 and DIPROG
In order to address the individual drives in the network, the node number
must be specified before each ASCII command to be sent (e.g. 2V500).
Commands without a node number are adopted by all drive nodes in the
No unaddressed query commands may be sent in network mode, as
otherwise all units will answer simultaneously and the message frames will
mix, resulting in communication errors. It must also be ensured that no
asynchronous responses are sent by several units simultaneously, and that
the command acknowledgement is switched off when using unaddressed
transmit commands. Use the ANSW0 command to set the response