I.M. HLF 1700 Eng V15-2022
HLF Italian Design Preselection functions
The available preselections are the following:
Regular drink:
use the standard setting of the recipe to make the drink instead
of the Fixed preselection (if fixed preselections are set).
Long Drink:
Add to the drink the pe
rcentage of product set in the “Long drink”
options inside the drink recipe.
Extra Long Drink:
Add to the drink the percentage of product set in the
Long d
rink” options inside the drink recipe
it will repeat the drink distribution for a certain number of cycles, set in the
drink recipe. Applied only for Hot Water and/or Coffee.
Strong Coffee:
Makes the coffee using the grinder time limit instead of the
grinding set time.
Powder milk:
Use the powder inside the powder container no.1 instead of Fresh
Milk. Powder Container no.1 must be set inside the recipe of the drink but not set
in the Execution code.
Pre- Ground
: Use the coffee bypass instead of the regular coffee grinder.