I.M. HLF 1700 Eng V15-2022
HLF Italian Design
Put the milk pipe inside the machine. Close the door.
Run an additional Whipper Cleaning if a further cleaning seems to be necessary. (Par.
4.4.3 below, only if soluble is installed).
Use HLF milk cleaning detergent ONLY. Otherwise warranty will not be valid
It is recommended to use HLF Red Acid Detergent.
In order to maintain the maximum hygiene, it is recommended to replace the
entire transparent milk pipe every two months.
4.4.3 Automatic Whipper Cleaning (only if the Soluble Container is installed)
This cleaning cycle is to clean the mixing bowls if the Soluble is installed.
Access the cleaning cycles as described in the Software Manual
Whipper Cleaning
Place an empty jug under the dispense head. The container must be at least 2
Liter capacious. If drainage kit is installed, just push down the spouts.
when ready, the cleaning liquid will be discharged directly on the jug
(or to the drip tray).