I.M. HLF 1700 Eng V15-2022
HLF Italian Design
The following screen shot will appear:
The possible operations to do are the following:
Set name:
it is possible to change the name of the drink.
Text color:
It is possible to choose the color of the drink name.
Load image:
It is possible to load extra images for the drink image. Ask HLF
Technical support for the dimension of the images that can be load.
Adjust text
: It is possible to change the drink text size and its vertical position.
Disabled Button:
the button has no reaction when pushed.
Drink Button:
the button will dispense the set drink.
Hide Drink Name:
When enabled, the drink name will not be shown in the drink
selection screen and in the Step by Step screen.
In order to upload files via USB, see section