Filtering/QoS Information
Ver. 07-02
flow filter (IPv6) [ROUTE-OS6]
Input Format
Setting and changing the global information by each input/output interface.
[set] flow filter <Interface Name> {in | out} [-disable]
Setting and changing the flow information.
[set] flow filter <Interface Name> {in | out} [-disable] list <List No.>
{Flow detecting condition}
[{ -forward | -drop | -policy <Interface Name> <IP Address> |
-replace_dscp <DSCP_Value> | -index <No.>}][ -scan_extension]
Flow cetecting condition
1. When the high order protocol is other than TCP, UDP and IGMPv6.
{ip | <protocol No.>} <IPv6_Source> <IPv6_Destination> [{dscp
<DSCP_Value> | precedence <precedence_Value>}] [{upper| lower} <Length>]
2. When the high order protocol is TCP.
tcp <IPv6_Source> [<Port_Source>] <IPv6_Destination> [<Port_Destination>]
[ack] [syn] [{dscp <DSCP_Value> | precedence <precedence_Value>}]
[{upper| lower} <Length>]
3. When the high order protocol is UDP.
udp <IPv6_Source> [<Port_Source>] <IPv6_Destination> [<Port_Destination>]
[{dscp <DSCP_Value> | precedence <precedence_Value>}] [{upper| lower}
4. When the high order protocol is ICMPv6.
icmp6 <IPv6_Source> <IPv6_Destination> [<ICMPv6_Type> [<ICMPv6_Code>]]
[{dscp <DSCP_Value> | precedence <precedence_Value>}] [{upper | lower}
Changing only the operation designation.
[set] flow filter <Interface Name> {in | out} list <List No.> -action [{
-forward | -drop
| -policy <Interface Name> <IP Address> | -replace_dscp <DSCP_Value> |
-index <No.> | scan_extension}]
Deletion of the information
delete flow filter <Interface Name> {in | out} [list <List No.>]
Indication of the information
show flow filter [<Interface Name> [{in | out} [list <List No.>]]]
Indication of a blank list number in the specified range
show flow filter <Interface Name> {in | out} [list <List No.>-<List No.>]
Note: 1: If the "flow detecting condition" and the operation designation (*1) are set or changed
simultaneously, input the operation designation after the "detecting condition2.
Note: 2: If the parameters in the "flow detecting condition" and the operation designation are to
be changed, input all the setting contents again.