hand unit. After repair, vertical protection should always be re-enabled by pressing the number 2 key again
and storing it with the TV key. (The value of parameter OA toggles between two values when the number 2
key is pressed,
the higher
of which indicates that the vertical protection is
Auto Black Level Disable
I501 independently sets the black level of each CRT gun to equalize the cut-off points and therefore provide
a true black. For diagnostic purposes this control loop may be disabled by selecting service parameter 02
(hue) and pressing the number 2 key on the hand unit. After repair, the auto black level sampling should
always be re-enabled by pressing the number 2 key again and storing it with the TV key. (The value of
parameter 02 toggles between two values when the number 2 key is pressed,
the lower
of which indicates
black level sampling is
Adjustment Locations (Physical)
See adjustment locations PCB