Part n° 890-00487 rev.00
Evolution Bird Scale Controller
5.5 Weighing Schedule
The weighing schedule allows specifying the day frequency at which birds
must be weighed. By default, bird weighings are logged every day.
5.5.1 Weighing Day Frequency
The controller can log bird weight ev-
ery day or once every 2 to 7 days.
The following procedure shows how
to choose the weighing frequency.
Use the arrow keys to select the
desired scale from the main menu
then press the right-arrow key.
Press the down-arrow key to
select "
3. Weigh Schedule
" then
press the right-arrow key.
Select "
1. Weigh Days
" then
press the right-arrow key.
Use the adjustment buttons to set
the following parameters:
Select the day frequency at which the controller must log bird weights:
All = every day
1/2 = one weighing day every 2 days
1/3 = one weighing day every 3 days
1/4 = one weighing day every 4 days
1/5 = one weighing day every 5 days
1/6 = one weighing day every 6 days
1/7 = one weighing day every 7 days
Next Day
Select the next weighing day. The controller will start logging bird
weights according to the chosen day frequency starting from that day.
2. Scale 1 Menu
1. Weigh Days
2. Scale 1 Menu
3. Weigh Schedule
2.3.1 Scale 1
Weigh Days
Next Day: