Part n° 890-00487 rev.00
Evolution Bird Scale Controller
Daily Gain:
This is the daily weight gain of
the birds as measured by the se-
lected scale today. Press the
down-arrow key to scroll down
the display and look at the daily
gain of the previous days (125-
day history).
Standard Deviation History:
This is the standard deviation as
measured by the selected scale
today. Press the down-arrow
key to scroll down the display and
look at the standard deviation of
the previous days (125-day his-
This is the rate of uniform birds
as measured by the selected
scale today (expressed in %).
Press the down-arrow key to
scroll down the display and look
at the uniformity value of the
previous days (125-day history).
Daily gain
200X/01/01 0:00 1
Standard deviation
200X/01/01 0:00 1
Std dev. 0.2g
200X/01/01 0:00 1
Uniformity 90.0%