12 Operation
The purpose of this section is to provide some
general guidelines and recommendations for op-
erating the 8605 in the field.
The 8605 has 13 keys labeled with 10 functions.
All of the functions are working at all times. How-
ever, only two can be displayed at a time. Press-
ing one of the ten function keys will display that
function. The operator is free to select whichever
function he or she desires, however, the follow-
ing is a list of recommendations.
When first installed, it is important to insure that
the 8605 is indeed controlling your sprayer prop-
The RATE and % ERROR keys will show this.
Pressing the RATE key will display the actual
application rate in gallons per acre (pounds per
acre). Pressing the % ERROR key will display
the actual error between the actual and target
rates. This is displayed as a percentage.
When the controller is in Hold then HOLD will
be displayed. The console must be in RUN and
actively working to show correct RATE and %
ERROR data.
The Error, Hold, No-spd, No-flo, Min. and Max.
are only displayed when Rate or % Error is being
It is important to remember that any errors less
than 10% are considered good. You will note,
however, that the 8605 will continue controlling
the Servo Valve until the error falls to zero. The
warning light will flash and the audible alarm will
sound when the error exceeds ±10%.
The 8605 will automatically adjust the sprayer
flow whenever Rate 1 or Rate 2 is selected or
when an external rate input is received. Putting
the Rate switch in the center position will turn
the automatic control off and the application rate
can then be adjusted manually.
Switching between Rate 1 and Rate 2 can be
done at any time and as often as desired. The
8605 will change to the new application rate and
maintain that rate.
The and keys will adjust the application rate
selected if Rate or % Error is being displayed.
Driving too fast or too slow will cause the servo valve
to end stop (either full open or full close).
When this happens, the pressure gauge will show
minimum or maximum PSI and the Controller will dis-
play either MAX or MIN. This indicates that you are
exceeding the limits of your applicator and the 8605
can no longer maintain a constant rate per acre.
Sometimes it is necessary to slow down to a very
slow speed in the field or on an end row. (Small area
or rough spot, etc.) The 8605 will try to maintain a
constant rate lowering the pressure even though it is
far below the minimum acceptable pressure for the
nozzles. This will probably result in a trickle of spray
out of the nozzles causing very poor weed control.
To prevent a “MIN” message as you slow down the
8605 can automatically stop reducing the flow at
a preset minimum flow rate. This prevents a poor
spray pattern from your nozzles. This option can
be turned on and the Minimum Flow Rate set in the
main menu under Set Minimum Flow. This is only
available for the Spray Mode. Keep in mind that you
are OVER APPLYING to maintain a spray pattern at
very low speeds. Whenever the flow is reduced to
the Minimum Flow level, the display will flash “LIM”
to indicate that the console will not reduce the flow
any further.
The following procedure can be used as an
alternative to using the Minimum Rate feature.
As you slow down, watch your pressure gauge.
When a minimum acceptable pressure (determined
by nozzle selection) is reached, switch the console
into MANUAL mode. (RATE 1 and RATE 2 switch in
center position.) This will freeze the servo valve at
that position and maintain the pressure at that MINI-
MUM amount instead of dropping it to zero.
After passing through the bad spot or making the
turn, simply switch back to Rate 1 or Rate 2 as you
again increase your speed.
Keep in mind that you are OVERAPPLYING to main-
tain a spray pattern at very low speeds.
It is highly recommended that the operator take ad-
vantage of the dual rate control. Significant chemical
savings can be made if Rate 2 is programmed to a
higher rate for weedy spots, and ONLY used when
field conditions require it. All the rest of the time the
operator can stay in the lower Rate 1 mode and save