you can just press "Enter" again to open it. You can also launch the "Accounts
Manager" from anywhere in e-mail by pressing "Enter-M".
"Account name: no items" is displayed.
The "Accounts manager" dialog contains the following 6 items: "Accounts" list,
"Information" button, "Add" button, "Modify" button, "Delete" button and "Close"
To add an e-mail account, follow these steps:
1) From the "Accounts Manager", press "F3", to move to "Add" and press "Enter".
2) The dialog is opened and "Server Type" is displayed. This is a combo box in
which you can choose to manually setup your account, or ask BrailleSense to
auto fill in server information from known server types like Gmail and iCloud. Use
"Space-1" and Space-4" to navigate the Server types. If your server is not in the
list, select "Manual". Press F3 to move to the incoming server type.
3) "Default mail server" is displayed. Use Space to choose between POP3 and
IMAP. Press "F3" to move to the account settings list.
4) "Account name:" is displayed. Type the name by which you want to identify the
e-mail account: (example, "Gmail" or "work e-mail").
5) Press "Space-4", to move to "Display name". Type the "Display name" in the
edit box. This name is the name people will see when they receive an e-mail from