1) Open New Word Processor: (W) "Backspace-N". Opens a second instance of
the Word Processor to more easily switch between documents.
2) New: (N). Creates a new document, by default named "noname". Choose the
default document type in the Global Options. You can create a DOCX, DOC, TXT,
BRL or HBL document.
3) Open: (O) "Enter-O". Opens an existing file. Supported file types include DOC,
DOCX, PPT, PPTX, PDF, EPUB, XML, RTF, TX, BRL and BRF. *Note: these files
can be read, but all file types cannot be saved.
4) Save: (S) "Enter-S". Save the current file. Tab between name, location and file
type. Use normal file management navigation to choose a different folder.
5) Save As: (A) "Space-S". Save the current file under a different name, as a type
or in a different location.
6) Print: (P) "Space-P". Emboss the current document. Inkprinting must be done
via native Android apps.
7) Settings: (E) "Enter-E". Dialog to set various document options. Tab among
settings list, location Info check boxes, Default folder, and Confirm and Cancel
buttons. Settings list includes View Format Characters, Reading unit for Space-1
and Space-4, Read Only On/Off, Automatic Save Interval, Auto Scroll Speed,
Apply Settings to All Documents, Home/End movement unit, Math Braille Code,
and new Document default name. Use “Space-1” and “Space-4” to move among
the settings in the Settings list, and Space or Backspace to change the value of
the setting.