You can also add recipients from the address list by selecting "Look up Address"
from the "File" menu or pressing "Enter-L". Type the last name of the desired
recipient, and press "enter".
Addresses matching your search are displayed. If you press "enter" without typing
in the desired name, all of the addresses in your address list are displayed. If
there is no matching address, "No match" is announced. Move to the desired
address, and press "enter". You can select more than one address by pressing
"Space", then enter to input all of them.
When you are finished entering recipients in the "To" field, press "F3" to move to
"CC:" and "BCC", and input any copy or blind copy recipients as described above.
If you do not need to carbon copy anyone, you can skip to the next step.
Press "F3" to move to "Subject", and type the subject of the e-mail message.
Finally, press "F3" to move to "Message body:", and type the text of your e-mail
message. Use the same input and editing methods as are used in the Word
When you have finished writing your e-mail message, select "Send" from the "File"
menu, or press "Enter-S" directly from your message. When the e-mail is finished
sending, "Successfully sent new message" is displayed. If sending fails, the
Polaris MINI displays "Unable to send message", often with a specific error
explaining the reason for the inability to send the message. If this occurs, the e-
mail is saved in the "Outbox".
To cancel e-mail message creation or sending, press "Space-E" or "Space-Z" and
you are returned to the "Inbox".