body of the e-mail) and "Attach" (displayed only for an e-mail with one or more
attached files) you can move among the items by pressing "F3" or "Space-F3".
If there is a file attached to the e-mail, an A is shown before the subject, and the
number of attachments is announced as you navigate the message list. The
Polaris MINI also indicates which e-mail messages have been read, and which e-
mail messages are unread. E-mail messages that have not yet been read have a
dash placed in front of the subject.
"Date" shows the date and time when the e-mail was received in the following
order: day, month, date, and year. The time is displayed in the following order:
hour, minute, and second using 24 hour time format.
"From" shows the sender information; "From: (sender's e-mail address) you can
save the e-mail id of the sender to your contacts in the "Address Manager" using
the following steps:
1) Press "Enter-I" when the sender is displayed.
2) The "add address" dialog is opened, and "Name: (sender's user name or e-
mail address)" is displayed.
3) Type the sender's name, or, if what is automatically filled in is acceptable, press
"F3" to move to "confirm", and press "enter". The contact is saved, and you are
returned to your previous position in the message list.
You can also save the e-mail id of the carbon copy recipient (CC) to the Address
Manager using the process described above.