item, press "Space-R". To open a sub menu or execute the current item, press
You can also quickly jump to and execute a menu item by pressing its shortcut
key, usually the first letter of the item name. Often menu items can also be
executed instantly, directly from your current position in the program, with a
Shortcut keys are displayed in parentheses following the menu names. Hotkeys
generally consist of a modifier such as "Enter," "Space," or "Backspace", pressed
simultaneously with a letter or dot combination. These are displayed following the
shortcut keys.
For example, if you are in the Word Processor, and press "Space-M" or "F2," then
press "Enter" on "File," you hear "New (n) Enter-n". The word "New" is the menu
option. YOU would press the letter N to jump to "New" from within the "File" menu.
Press "Enter-n" to access the "New" document command from anywhere in the
Word Processor. The n is the shortcut key and "Enter-n" is the hotkey. It is
important to note that some hotkey commands are global, thus will work from
anywhere on the unit, and some are program specific. For example, if you want
to activate the "new document" option in the Word Processor. You cannot press
"Enter-n" from the "Program" menu to activate this option. You must be in the
Word Processor for "Enter-n" to activate the "new document" command.
However, if you wish to activate the "display time and Date" option in the "Utilities"
menu, this can be done from anywhere on the unit using "Space-T" as this is a
global hot key.